Thursday, April 12, 2012


Book: It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw

This is a great book with simple text about the different shapes of clouds. Read it aloud to your early bird the first time then have them read it with you. Eventually, the predictable text should be easy enough for them to read it on their own.

Activity: Shaving Cream Clouds

Shaving cream seemed the best substance to imitate puffy clouds. I sprayed a bunch on the kitchen table and put out my daughters play dough cookie cutters so that she could make shapes in it. Some worked better than others. The fact that some of the shapes were harder to see, just resembled clouds even more.

Snack: marshmallows

The different sizes and shapes of marshmallows that are available make a great "cloud" snack.



about this blog

Welcome to the early bird book club! It's important for children to be exposed to high-quality books from birth. The focus of the Early Bird Book Club blog is to find high-quality books and activities for early childhood. There are lots of suggestions, but you should pick and choose whatever will fit your child the best!

About Me

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I am a wife, mom, teacher, and student. I love my husband, daughter, son, and pug! I'm currently finishing a doctorate in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in reading from Baylor University, but also have degrees in elementary ed and school counseling from The University of Tulsa. I've taught in Memphis and Waco. We are now living in the dorms at a boarding school in Oklahoma for junior and senior high school students where my husband teaches.
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